Create In Me A Clean Heart


It’s been such a long day. It’s move-in day at the University I work at. Many students and parents are on campus and we in our office are given the opportunity to be helpful and answer questions. We get used to answering the same questions over and over with a smile. Maybe we get to experience a snippet of what Jesus experienced with His disciples.

Anyway, the Gospel again has a parable about the Kingdom of Heaven and being prepared. But the Responsorial Psalm 51, one of my favorites, spoke to me as I sit here finished with work getting ready to make my way home. The response is from Ezekiel 36:25 and it says … “I will pour clean water on you and wash away all your sins.”

I really try to do my best each day. Today I am physically and mentally tired and not so sure I was pleasing to my Lord all day. I will trust in His mercy, love and Word. I love you Lord Jesus. Have mercy on me, a sinner. Glory and Praise to our God. Amen.

Image from
Mike Burke; Thursday, August 18, 2016
Create In Me A Clean Heart

9 thoughts on “Create In Me A Clean Heart

  1. The True Light! says:

    What a great attitude towards working “as for the Lord,” (Ephesians 6:7). We have a tendency to forget about that one as our workdays drag along! Good post and reminder, Mike, as I’m sure answering the same questions over and over each day can be laborious.


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      1. The True Light! says:

        It is my pleasure to use the gifts of encouragement and hopefully teaching which the Lord has given me. You are kind to take notice of them and I’m glad you are uplifted by them!


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  2. This is my favourite psalm and actually the only psalm I have completely memorized by heart. I starting quoting this psalm and I was going to tell you which verse was my favourite but I would end up writing all of it.
    It’s a great reminder that God is always there to forgive us no matter what we’ve done.
    This psalm is prayed every Friday in Liturgy of the Hours.

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  3. Yes! Thank God we have a merciful God! I don’t even want to imagine what the planet would look like if we didn’t have a merciful God. It would basically be hell on earth as we would all be in complete separating from God. Holy Smokes! I don’t even want to think of that.
    ‘That the bones you have crushed may revive.’ Sometimes it may feel as though God is against us but this brings me to a story about a lamb. This lamb always wanted to escape so the shepherd broke both of its back legs. Ouch! yes that hurts but then the shepherd was holding the lamb on his shoulders caressing it. The lamb learnt his lesson and never strayed away, it stayed as close to the shepherd as possible. We learn the hard way but we learn nonetheless. God is awesome!!!
    (Thanks for inspiring me, maybe I’ll write a post about this now :P)

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