Love vs Annoyance; Peace vs Pride

On my drive in to work today, while praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, I was meditating on the Gospel message to Love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind and to love my neighbor as myself. All the while, I was a bit annoyed by the driver in front of me, in the fast lane, leaving too much distance and allowing cars to cut in front. I tailgate a bit to try to get the car moving.

Third mystery, the Crowning of Jesus with Thorns. We start to slow in traffic and I look down to my left and there is a small tumble weed looking like thorns. I think of the pain, the agony, the spitting, the slapping, the vulgar words and so on reflecting that Jesus loves me that much. As we begin to move, I back off the tail of the car in front of me. Why can’t I love in this very simple way?

Fifth mystery, the Crucifixion. As I try as best to reflect on the depth of God’s love for me, I look at Palm Trees lining the freeway. I think of His triumphant entry into Jerusalem and the waving of palms and the greetings of Messiah. How quickly it would all turn. I think how I can enjoy his peace so fully and then the next second be annoyed. Life.

Message to Me: Cooperating with God’s grace will give me great peace. Why would I let an event or anyone rob me from that peace. God loves me so much and wants me to experience His peace like He wanted His Apostles to experience peace in the storm. I can choose His love or my pride. Thank you Jesus!

Love vs Annoyance; Peace vs Pride

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